About Us

What We Believe

We believe in one God, Father of Jesus, who is the creator and is supreme over all things.

We believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God. He was born of a virgin, lived a perfectly obedient and sinless life, died for our sins, and was resurrected to live with His Father in heaven.

We believe that the Holy Spirit lives inside all Christians, made possible by the death of Jesus Christ. We believe the Holy Spirit is a Christian's link to God, serving as our guide, comforter and helper to live for Him in grateful obedience.

We believe in the Trinity-One God in three forms; God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

We believe the Bible is the divinely inspired, written, and infallible witness of God's Word to man. The Bible is God's instructional Book for Life for us to study and follow.

We believe in Believers' Baptism as an ordinance symbolizing salvation and one's promise to be obedient to Christ's command. We believe baptism to be by immersion, representing death, burial, and resurrection. We believe that baptism should occur at an age when the individual is capable of making the decision to accept Jesus Christ as their savior. We believe that God's grace will protect children below the decision-making age.

We believe in the ordinance of the Lord's Supper as a remembrance of Christ's death and a confirmation of our need to be obedient to Christ's command.

Believers are encouraged to partake of the Lord's Supper regularly.

We believe that God created everything and everyone. We believe that humans were created in God's image with a distinct purpose for each one.

We believe that man is a sinner and needs salvation. Salvation cannot be earned by works. God's gift of salvation must be accepted by becoming a believer and is only possible through Jesus' death and the grace of God. We believe that salvation is permanent.

We believe that the purpose, place and mission of this church are to fulfill Christ's command in The Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20): "Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

We believe the role of the minister is to preach the gospel, set a good example, provide visitation, encourage people in the faith and have compassion for the lost. He should develop lay-leaders, participate and be knowledgeable of the business of the church and report to the congregation on activities. We believe that the minister should perform in accordance with Paul's instructions to Timothy. (I Timothy and II Timothy)

We believe the role of the laity is to support the church and the pastor, develop other lay-leaders, witness in the community, attend church functions, provide financial support, help members of the congregation and use their talents for Christ.

We believe that Christian believers have a personal relationship with God that is guided by the Holy Spirit. We believe this relationship, in addition to the Bible, serves as a guide for Godly living.

We highly value our association with American Baptist Churches; however, we believe that our church is to be ultimately governed by God's Word.

We believe in providing ecumenical witness through interfaith church activities in our community, working with other Christian fellowships to win the lost for Christ.


The vision of First Baptist Church is to lead people into a personal and growing relationship with Jesus Christ that is authentic and real.

The goal of First Baptist Church is to have each member of our congregation be a servant of Christ, building a solid foundation in the Word of God.

We believe that our vision and goal can only be reached by better understanding of God's purpose for us as individual Christians and for us collectively, as a church. We believe that prayer and the study of God's Word will help us build this solid foundation.

We prayerfully welcome you to First Baptist Church of Lander and ask you and your family to join us this Sunday. Let's work together to understand God's purpose for each one of our lives.